Selected poems

“Apex Predator” and “Satellites” in R&R

“Risk Assessment” and “Goat Eye” in SARKA

“Self Portrait as New York Geography” in Sporklet (downloadable digital magazine)

“A Story about the Nature of Time,” “Hungry Ghost,” and “Sunflower” in Iterant (with audio)

“Urine Season” and “Compassion” in Granta

“Free,” “Poem for Pigeon,” and “Love At the Drowned Valley” in Sink Review

“There Is No Word,” “I Think That I Would Die,” “At a Reading Listening to a Poem About Motherhood,” and “Megalophobia” in Fourth River

“I’m Sorry,” “Obligate Hematophage,” and “The Devil is Standing Between Me and the Life I Want” in Burning House

“I Spend the Day Not Speaking” in Bennington Review

“Beast Ice” and “A Strong Survival Instinct” in Bear Review 

“I Looked Into the Refrigerator” in La Vague

"Do You Feel Tenderness" in the Poetry Society of America blog

“Do You Feel Tenderness” comic by Minna Pollari

N-400 erasures” in NY Tyrant 

“What I Remember About Celebrity Big Brother UK Season 12” in Barrelhouse

"Life as a Skeleton" and "Are You a Hand-Sculpted Animal" in Powder Keg

“Liquid” poetry video on Vimeo

“Just a New York Conversation” in Sixth Finch 

“There You Go Again You Say You Want Your Freedom” and “Six Mercedes-Benz on Fire on the Freeway” in Pinwheel 

"I Use My Body" in Pouch 

“Lingerie Season” in Western Beefs 

Nine poems written after listening to Lana Del Rey songs on repeat